Ice Addiction Perth

Ice Addiction Treatment Perth: Finding Rehab for Meth Use

Ice addiction has become one of the most prevalent drug problems in Australia, and those residing in Perth, WA, have felt this devastation first-hand.

This wave of meth addiction in Perth has affected thousands in Western Australia and calls for help from local resources, addiction treatment centres and communities.

To help fight this battle, we have created this article to help guide individuals and their families in finding treatment options for crystal methamphetamine.

The Ice Addiction Problem in Perth

Meth addiction in Perth has seen a significant rise, with the city being seen as the county’s drug capital. Wastewater analysis by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission reveals that Perth now has the highest per capita methamphetamine consumption in Australia and among some 20 countries worldwide.

This increase of substance abuse in the city is attributed to a mix of heightened supply and a smaller population compared to eastern seaboard cities. The analysis, part of the sixteenth dataset released by ACIC, reflects drug consumption patterns for over 56% of Australia’s population, or 13 million people.

The study also notes changing alcohol and other drug consumption trends across Australia’s capital cities and regional areas.

Meth addiction in Perth has a detrimental effect on the city and its people. People experiencing problems with ice are suffering from mental and physical health problems, families are shattered, and the city’s resources are put under immense strain trying to combat this issue.

The issue is clear; however, is there addiction counselling in Perth to support people? Are there resources and options available for people who use methamphetamine? Here, we will outline what is being done to fight back against this escalating problem. 

What is Being Done About it?

Meth rehab in Perth involves a multi-faceted approach to address drug and alcohol addiction. Health services are actively working to combat ice use, offering various treatment options for individuals struggling with addiction.

Law enforcement agencies are intensifying efforts to clamp down on the supply and distribution of methamphetamine. Recognising addiction as a disease, the focus is also on rehabilitation and treatment centres where professionals provide support for mental health issues and drug dependency.

Drug rehabilitation in Western Australia is supported by 24-hour crisis helplines and comprehensive support systems, reflecting a holistic strategy to provide adequate care and assistance.

Below, we have listed some support services and rehab centres in Perth and Western Australia. We aim to help people using ice and meth and guide them toward a better life. 

Local Support Services in Western Australia

In Western Australia, there are several local support services for individuals dealing with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and other forms of substance use. These services provide a range of options, including detox, counselling, information, referral, and support.

  • The Alcohol and Drug Support Service, as outlined on the Mental Health Commission’s website, offers non-judgemental 24/7 telephone counselling, information, referral, and support lines for alcohol and drug use. They provide a comprehensive approach to supporting individuals with substance use issues. More details about their services can be found at the Mental Health Commission.
  • The Western Australian Government website provides information on getting alcohol and drug support. This includes a 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support Line that offers counselling, information, referral, and support to anyone concerned about their own or another person’s alcohol or drug use. They emphasize the availability of various resources and helplines to assist individuals. For more information, visit the Western Australian Government website.
  • Healthy WA outlines the Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS), which is a confidential, non-judgemental service to help with information, counselling, referral, and advice about alcohol and other drugs. ADIS provides a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week service statewide, catering to metropolitan and country callers. They also provide an email contact and a live chat option for those seeking online support. Further details can be found on the Healthy WA website.

These resources offer substance help in Perth for individuals in facing challenges with alcohol or drug use, providing crucial assistance in terms of counselling, referrals, and emergency support.

Perth Rehab Centres

Perth is also home to some quality rehab centres. Below, we have listed some great options for drug and alcohol rehab centres in Perth.

  • Fresh Start: This centre offers a comprehensive range of services, including detoxification, mental health care, counselling, housing, and support groups. The Northam Recovery Program at Fresh Start provides 24-hour care in a supportive environment, focusing on a Modified Therapeutic Community model. This program helps residents establish healthy behaviour and thought patterns, which are crucial for recovery. They also offer a transitional housing option in Perth for clients who have completed the program.
  • Shalom House: Known as Australia’s largest and strictest residential rehabilitation centre, Shalom House is located in the scenic Swan Valley of Perth. They offer a holistic rehabilitation program, addressing issues like Alcohol, Drugs, Anxiety, Depression, Domestic Violence, Gambling, and more. The program spans twelve months to three years, focusing on rehabilitation, reintegration, and resocialization. Shalom House also ensures that graduates leave debt-free, with restored family relationships, and find employment within four months.
  • Cyrenian House: This non-profit organisation offers residential and non-residential treatment programs with a person-centred approach. Established in 1981, Cyrenian House is a leading provider of alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment services. Their programs focus on overall lifestyle changes and not just abstinence from alcohol or drug use. They also provide assessments for residential services and have a range of programs for individuals, families, and health professionals.
  • Palmerston: They offer various services, including counselling, group support, and residential rehabilitation. Palmerston supports individuals, families, and communities affected by alcohol and other drug issues. They provide individual support, family and friends support, peer support, and an oral health project, among other services. The centre is located in the Perth metropolitan area, Peel, the South West, and the Great Southern regions of Western Australia.

While these are good resources for drug addiction help in Perth, it’s important to note that drug rehab in Perth, WA, can be rather expensive.

The need for ice addiction help is an issue that extends across Australia, which means many people who are experiencing problems with addiction are missing out on treatment for ice. For this reason, we at Sivana Bali have seen an influx of West Australians reaching our shores to access quality and affordable treatment.

Getting Methamphetamine Help With Sivana Bali

If you, a friend or family member, are seeking meth rehab in Perth, reach out for support from Sivana Bali. We provide ice addiction treatment for West Australian residents who are struggling to find local resources that meet their needs. Contact us to learn more about our ice drug rehab and other treatment options available at our luxury centre.

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